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Short Description

A terminology is the set of terms that are used within a single scope to refer to a single definition, enabling parties to reason and communicate ideas they have about one or more specific topics. The definition that a term refers to may be defined in the same, or any other scope. Further details can be obtained from the terminology pattern.

A terminology may be viewed as a topic-specific subset of the scope's vocabulary.

A terminology may conveniently be documented in (rendered by) a glossary.


In order for parties to properly reason and/or communicate ideas (concepts) about some topic - in particular when it is a specialist topic - they have to establish a set of terms, the meaning of which should be defined in such a way that the likelihood of misunderstandings between them is minimized: a **terminology**


A terminology is a set of terms that are used within some scope by parties to reason and communicate about some specific topic(s) for the purpose of reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings.


  • The set of words listed in the eSSIF-Lab glossary are used within the eSSIF-Lab community for reasoning and communicating about topics that serve the eSSIF-Lab Objectives, which is part of the eSSIF-Lab terminology.
  • The set of words listed in the Sovrin glossary are used within the Sovrin Governance Framework and its Controlled Documents to understand the meaning of the terms that the authors intended to convey. Thus they comprise the Sovrin terminology.