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Short Description

A policy is a (set of) rules, working instructions and/or other guidance for the execution of one or more kinds of actions that agents of the party that governs the policy have access to and can interpret such that this results in these actions being executed as intended by that party.

A bit more elaborate: as per the party-actor-action pattern, an agent executes actions on behalf of its principal. Policies are sets of rules that express, amongst other things, how this party wants actions of specific kinds to be executed. That is why agents need to be able to not only access such guidance, but also be able to interpret its contents such that it leads to the execution of such actions as intended by said party. This requires that the policy be readable by the agent, and that the agent is capable of interpreting it as intended by its principal.

There are situations in which the party that governs a policy is incapable of expressing it in such a way that its agents can interpret it. This is, for example, the case when the party is a person that wants to use an IT component for some complex computations. Then, this party can create and maintain a so-called business policy, i.e. a policy that states its guidance in 'business speak', and assign some employee(s) the task of translating (or mapping) it onto some artifact that the agents can interpret (which we call an operational policy). That could, e.g., be a configuration file, or the setting of preferences.

Note that the policy is governed by the party, which does not preclude it from also managing (writing, maintaining) the policy, but it does allow this to be outsourced.

It should be part of the principal's governance processes

  • to establish, maintain and evaluate policies for every kind of action that its agents may execute,
  • to derive artifacts from such policies that are useable by the various agents (digital, human, or otherwise) that have a right or duty to execute actions for the principal to which such policies apply. So, machine-readable policies should be derived for digital agents, and human-readable policies (in different languages if that is appropriate) for non-digital agents.
  • to publish such artifacts such that at least every of its agents that may need to access them, can find and access them as needed.
  • to inform its agents whenever updates have been made that they need to be aware of (specifically if agents are allowed to keep local copies of such artifacts).

The Parties, Actors and Actions pattern provides an overview of how this concept fits in with related concepts.


The purpose of policies is to enable parties to provide its agents with the rules and other guidance that they need to execute actions that comply with such rules.


A policy is

  • a (set of) rules, working-instructions, preferences and other guidance for the execution of one or more kinds of actions, possibly using different representations so as to be readable/interpretable by different kinds of actors;
  • managed by a single party that decides what goes in the policy and what does not;
  • governed (and owned) by a single party that states the expectations that the policy must fulfill;
  • is accessible to, and must be complied with by any agent of the party that governs the policy when it executes an action of the kind to which the policy applies.